The hay is in! For two months we have been watching the weather reports on our computers looking for 3-4 good weather days (without any rain at all) to put up this season's hay. Yesterday was the day we had been waiting for. We cut the hay. Then the weather report changed and predicted 50% chance of rain this evening. After much prayer that our hay would be dry, "fluffing & raking" hay, we checked the field, the hay was dry and it was time to bale. Our son, Adam, brought his friend, Bret. David, our good friend and neighbor joined in and the work began. I got coolers ready, made lunch and supper, ran errands, and even got to help load the wagon for a season. Soon neighbors Garry, Brian and Rob joined the work party and over 500 bales were put in the barn. What a blessing and wonderful provision! Also a great time of fellowship and a time to value and appreciate the wonderful friends (and son) we have. Farmers - our "hats are off" to you.
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