Okay, after computer breakdowns, printer errors and a non-functioning internet dial-up connection, here I am (working in my home office) finally "stuffing" this quarter's Newsletter. The one part of this job I do really enjoy is seeing the names of so many friends that are such an important part of our lives (pre-MMS and through 21 years of missionary service with MMS). Tomorrow these letters will be on their way to those very special friends. Without a photographer available, I entered "unchartered waters" and taught myself to use the timer on our camera so you can see what Newsletter day is like. This constantly learning new things is getting a little "spooky" and very "brain draining". May God bless you today.
Maybe all this learning new things will keep our minds sharp and make us feel younger! We can always hope. :o)
That's a good way of looking at it.
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