I feel like I've been "running behind" all day. My day usually starts out with Sunny (my yellow lab) coming over to the bed, whining to get my attention so she can tell me the latest thing Win (Dennis' black lab) has retrieved. Usually it is a sock or washrag, sometimes it is her ball or bone. This morning Dennis decided to put an end to Win's morning mischief and put both dogs in the pen. Consequently, I overslept. Breakfast was rushed, then a trip to the bank and the post office to pick up MMS mail. While sorting the mail, I heard an announcement over the hangar PA system. Mike Dunkley was giving a fuel nozzle test demonstration in the Engine Shop. After putting on gloves, Mike showed us a fuel nozzle (see photo) from the PT6 engine in the Kodiak. It was time to check the nozzles for compliance with operating standards. The box to the left of Mike was made by Dennis for just this occasion. The test box allows us to check for nozzle spray patterns. Those that don't make the grade are rejected and replaced. All nozzles tested within acceptable standards. It's been an exciting time for the guys to check out this new airplane.
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