Thursday, September 18, 2008


Starting out Day 5 with no electricity at home made it an extra joy to come to the office/hangar where lights, power supplies and computers are readily available once again. My special blessing of the day was the little bear you see in this photo. In the midst of everything else going on, God was adding the special touches. A friend found this bear, thought of me, and brought it to me at work today. Thank you Sandy for your thoughtfulness (even though you are also on day 5 without electricity) and letting God use you to brighten my day.

As for Dennis - during a routine wing inspection, he found a broken rib (airplane rib that is) and corrosion in the Hondoros Cessna 206. This meant the wing needed to be disassembled (a process involving the removal of lots and lots of rivets - I'd count them for you but I've already spent the last 5 hours processing inventory and I am "numbered out" for the day :-), the rest of the ribs inspected, corrosion taken care of, and new parts made. In this photo, Dennis is working on the top side of the wing while Josh handles the corrosion on the bottom side. It is a long process. Because of the broken rib and corrosion found in the first wing, the second wing was disassembled and found to be in worse shape than the first. Many extra man-hours will be spent dealing with these problems, yet Missionary Air Group will benefit from the labor we donate to their ministry because of our own faithful financial support team. When finished, this airplane will be returned to service in Hondoros to be used while their only other airplane is "grounded" for routine maintenance and will become a life-line to many missionaries and national workers.

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