Things didn't look good this morning. I woke up with a major headache and queasy stomach and was beginning to think I might have been the most recent victim of the flu in Coshocton. Because of a compromised immune system following last year's surgery, any illness now requires a lot more medical care than in the past so I was feeling a little nervous about my situation. Fortunately, by late afternoon most symptoms had subsided and I was able to get out and enjoy what was left of the sunshine with Cherokee. Dennis passed us several times as he was filling the horse water trough, changing gate latches, doing some early Fall cleanup and helping with some adjustments to my riding gear. Tomorrow morning Dennis and I will be involved in a safety audit at MMS. Periodically, Mission Safety Int'l (MSI) conducts interviews with the missionaries as well as inspections of various missionary aviation facilities. It is a time of accountability as well as a time of discovering how we can serve God more effectively. We will look forward to meeting with the MSI team in the morning.
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