Almost every moment has now become a photo blog opportunity. I was just telling Kyle how I am going to make him world famous through this Blogger and Facebook photo. Who says us task-oriented "accountant/auditor" types don't have a sense of humor? Today was Day 3 of our organizational safety audit. Interviews were finished. Tomorrow the SMT will meet with MSI (Mission Safety Int'l) for the review procedure. It was also Day 1 of our MMS annual financial audit. Unless you are an auditor, you would not believe the number of forms to be filled out this year. I had spent last Friday organizing the preliminary reports, Kyle and I spent a few hours this morning talking about how MMS operates as a charitable organization, and all afternoon discussing standard operating procedures in MMS' world of finance. Tomorrow morning will be more of the same. Not only does this provide accountability in the use of funds for our donors, it gives me a chance to see what new government regulations are in place or are "in the works" for the future. Now, MMS is locked up for the night, I'm finishing some tasks then heading home to my wonderful husband who just informed me he caught the mouse that was feasting on our pistachio nuts.
Must be the season for mice! Tanner has been going nuts trying to get down into the basement. After we go to bed he seems to hear things down there... Has to be mice! He wants so badly to get down there and get them.
Win and Sunny haven't been looking for mice but Tuesday had a toad cornered on the sidewalk. What would we ever do without all their help?
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