TIME to spend the day at home with a book and 2 faithful friends (Mary just finishing page 206 of the "2010 Church and Nonprofit Tax & Financial Guide"). Two phrases on the front cover caught my attention immediately "Latest Tax Law Changes" and "Easy to Understand". Who do they think they are kidding? At least it was confirmation that I am "on the right track" at MMS and we are in compliance with government regulations for charitable organizations. Now time to head outside and carry a 50 pound bale of hay, uphill in 12 inches of the remaining snow, and feed the horses. Hey, this is something I can tell my grandkids! Nothing like country living :-)

TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES. Dennis and MMS's newest apprentice, Paul, doing some troubleshooting on a Cessna 337. Some airplanes have one engine in the front of the plane, some have two or more engines on the wings of the plane, but the 337 has an engine in the front of the plane and an engine in the back of the plane (I believe I have heard the term "Push/Pull" regarding that plane). This plane is here for an annual inspection, repairs and two engine overhauls. It is used in missionary work in Canada.

RESEARCH. The day is not over until the parts are ordered for the next few days. There are a lot of parts suppliers out there. These are the moments when 23 years of experience ordering parts, repairing airplanes, and building relationships comes in handy.
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