Evals are good for us also. It is a reminder of the hopes and dreams we brought with us 23 years ago when we first "checked out" MMS for our missionary training experience. God is good! For us, MMS is still a "fit" and a place to serve.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
This has been a busy week - payroll, dentist appointments, doctor appointments, and today a hospital appointment for a bone density scan (and it's only Wednesday). I am having a hard time staying focused - and next week I will be in an MMS audit (lots of files to get ready this week for the auditor). A bright spot this week is the family who has come from Colorado with their dream of being a missionary pilot/mechanic family. They feel MMS would be a good "fit" for their training and have come for an evaluation. Last night was our night to "host" them for dinner and we had a wonderful time getting to know them. Today, Jeremiah finishes his "in hangar" evaluation. Tomorrow, they will learn whether they have been accepted into the MMS apprenticeship program.
Asher enjoying his trip to see Spirit.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
What do I do on a cold, rainy day off in Coshocton when the internet is "down" at home and the dogs are tracking in so much mud it's pointless to clean the house? I go to MMS.
Though it seems only yesterday we were the new apprentices, in reality that was over 22 years ago. Now, we are the "old timers" (I know it's hard to believe), and can serve others through the experience we've gained over the years. Almost, makes getting older worth it.
Mary and Paul reviewing his 2008 tax records for tomorrow's tax deadline.
Dennis helping Chuck with the paperwork that comes with engine repair.
Friday, April 10, 2009
To be a good trainer, you must be trainable. At MMS, it seems we are always in the process of some type of "development". People skills are refined, spiritual attitudes are addressed, and this week was a time of instruction for our staff and apprentices in methods of learning and teaching. The same is true in the world of horse training. Last Friday I attended Equine Affaire in Columbus, OH to learn new training skills. Now it was time use what I learned.
Okay, Cherokee, here's how it's done.
That's not a "yield". Talk about your "stiff-necked" students!
Now we are making progress. Nice flexible "yield".
Whoops. I guess there is still a little belligerence left in this student.
Wishing you a wonderful Easter weekend as we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. May I learn to joyfully "yield" to the lessons He has to teach me.
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