Tomorrow night company is coming for dinner and it's time to get the house back in order. After a day at MMS, working with Dana to prepare February's financial reports, close the accounting month and begin paying March's invoices, it was time to make a quick stop at WalMart, then heat up leftovers for supper, order my prescription, bake a few pies, toss a salad and do the dishes. That was about all I "had in me" for today. Dennis and his two companions "stepped up to the plate" for the final kitchen preparations. It'll be fun to meet Mark, Jenny and Abigail. They are here from England for a one week evaluation and some time on the hangar floor to see if MMS is a "good fit" for their future training in aircraft maintenance and a career in mission aviation. Rounding out the table, will be our two single apprentices, Paul (from Ohio) and Andy (also from England and here as a part of MAF-UK's partnership with MMS Aviation). Another opportunity to see what English is really supposed to sound like.
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