Every Thursday morning from 10:00 to noon, I am in a planning/evaluating meeting at MMS. Last week, some of the discussion focused on setting priorites and the idea that we may each have different priorities based on our backgrounds, goals, age, etc. What effect do these differences have on MMS as a whole? I think all of us at MMS would list God as his/her number one priority. For us, family is second. Sometimes that involves more traveling than we would do otherwise but we figure the grandkids are only going to be young once and while we have the opportunity to be a part of their lives we are going to rejoice in those times and make the effort to "be there" for them. Yesterday was one of those times. Adam's middle child, Ethan, turned 9. His goal is to be "just like his dad". Adam is a good role model, a son to be proud of, and we're glad Ethan wants to "follow in his footsteps". That brings me back to our number one priority, our relationship with God. Abba Father, mold me in such a way that I, too, become "just like Dad".
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