I thought I'd be much too sore to even get out of bed today, much less spend the day at MMS doing accounting. But, I made it. The last few days have been eventful. The windstorm that went through Coshocton Wednesday night kept Dennis up all night (watching for storm damage at our house), shut off our electricity until 3:00 Thursday afternoon, then kept Dennis busy all day Thursday removing trees from the horse pasture fence and repairing fencing and gates. Just as he finished that task, we received a phone call from a friend who stores the rest of our horses' hay in her barn. The storm had destroyed a transformer at her house, taken part of the roof off the barn, blew the sliding doors and one side off the barn. Since our hay was in that section, we needed to quickly move about 500 bales of hay.

In the process of moving part of the hay to our smaller barn, the truck (pulling a wagonload of hay) made it part of the way through the gate then refused to move. It was stuck in the mud. After much discussion, winching, pushing, putting out wood shavings (for better traction), prayer, offloading hay from the wagon (that we had just loaded onto the wagon 15 minutes before) to the truck, progress was made and the first truckload of hay was put up in our barn. Now it was time to get serious and go pick up the tractor. In all, 3 trailer loads of hay were loaded. The rest of the hay was moved to the other side of the barn for storage. As I was picking up the trash that had been blown around, the wind blew open the well-soaked item in my hand. You can imagine my surprise as I looked down to discover I was holding a hymnal, opened to the hymn "To God Be The Glory". I had to smile. Even in the midst of all that had happened, everyone was safe, 7 helpers showed up to help move the hay and we finished before nightfall.

Yes, I thought, "to God be the glory."